Infrastructure planning policy documents

Infrastructure Funding Statements (IFS), Infrastructure Delivery Plans (IDP), and information about the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

Infrastructure Funding Statement

The IFS is a statement of income and expenditure relating to planning obligations (including S106 agreements) and CIL income. It also lists the infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure which may be funded or partly funded from developers via planning obligations as well as the CIL, where applicable. The IFS replaces the CIL Regulation 123 List, in accordance with the CIL Amendment England Regulations 2019.

It provides information on the monetary (and non-monetary) contributions sought and received for the provision of infrastructure to support development in Westmorland and Furness (outside of the Lake District National Park and Yorkshire Dales National Park), and the subsequent use of those contributions by Westmorland and Furness District Council. 

The IFS for 2022 - 2023 reports on the collection and spending of contributions for the former planning authorities that now make up Westmorland and Furness Council (South Lakeland District Council, Eden District Council, Barrow Borough Council and part of Cumbria County Council), consolidated into one report.

Previous Infrastructure Funding Statements

Former South Lakeland District Council  

Former Eden District Council

Former Barrow Borough Council

Former Cumbria County Council

Infrastructure Delivery Plans (IDP)

New development creates a need for new infrastructure. Local Plans must therefore be supported by a thorough assessment of what infrastructure will be needed to support new development, when it will be needed, and how it will be paid for.

This is set out in the IDPs below that have been prepared to support the legacy Local Plans within the district. A new IDP will be prepared to support the development of the new Local Plan for Westmorland and Furness.

South Lakeland



Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) (Former South Lakeland planning authority area)

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge that is applied to new development to help pay for the infrastructure needed to support it. CIL was introduced in 2015 by the former South Lakeland District Council and continues to apply only within the legacy South Lakeland local planning authority area.

Following examination hearings on 10 February 2015 and receipt of the Inspector’s report, the CIL Charging Schedule was approved the council on 20 May 2015 and came into force on 1 June 2015.

CIL must strike a balance between paying for infrastructure and not stopping development by making it financially unviable. You can find out more information by following these links:

If you are making a planning application within the legacy South Lakeland District Council planning authority area you will need to include information to meet the CIL requirements. 

We have also prepared a CIL briefing on how CIL will affect the development industry.

CIL income (from 2019 onwards these annual reports are superseded by IFS) 

How CIL will be spent and managed

On 13 September 2017, the former South Lakeland District Council Cabinet approved a proposed framework for the governance and expenditure of income from CIL receipts on strategic infrastructure. For further information please see the CIL Cabinet report (PDF, 96kb).

A proportion of CIL income (normally 15%) is paid automatically every 6 months to those parish and town councils where CIL-liable development has taken place. This can be spent on local infrastructure and other projects which support development of the area. More information can be found in our Parish and Town council advice note: updated October 2023 (PDF, 290kb).