Councillor code of conduct and standards

Advice and information on the Councillor's code of conduct including how to make a complaint about a Councillor.

We have a duty to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by councillors. The Code of Conduct sets out the standards that members are expected to observe.

Individual members must comply with the Code of Conduct and any other legal obligations which may apply to them from time to time. Action can be taken against them if they don't.

The Code of Conduct is consistent with the seven general principles of conduct:

  • selflessness
  • integrity
  • objectivity
  • accountability
  • openness
  • honesty
  • leadership

The Code of Conduct provides details of the types of financial or other interests that they may need to declare.

The Code of Conduct also includes details of how to register these interests.

  • Code of Conduct for Members and Co-Opted Members, in Part 4 of our Constitution
  • Councillor/ Officer Protocol, is in Part 4 of our Constitution
  • See “Section 10 – Gifts and Hospitality” of the Code of Conduct for Members and Co-Opted Members in Part 4 of our Constitution

Council Constitution

A breach of the code may lead to a complaint being made under our standards arrangements.

Guide for councillors on openness and transparency on personal interests

Register of Members’ Interests

Our Councillor’s Register of interest records interests declared by members and co-opted members. Councillors have to keep this up-to-date and declare any changes.

All members, co-opted members of district, and parish councils must complete a register of interests form to register their financial and other interests.

Councillors must provide the following details:

  • any employment or business, including:
    • the name of their employer
    • name of any firms at which they are a partner
    • details of any directorships held
  • people who paid towards their expenses
  • contracts between themselves or their firm and the council
  • interests in any land or property in the area
  • any licences to occupy land in the area
  • any tenancies held where the council is the landlord
  • membership of organisations, including bodies to which they have been appointed by the council
  • any offer of gifts or hospitality of a value over £50 that they have received in their capacity as a member

Members must complete a register of interests form within 28 days of being elected.

Select a District Councillor from the list of councillors to view their registered interests

Select a Parish from the parish council list to see the registered interests for each of their Councillors

Our Monitoring Officer maintains the full register of district and parish councillors’ interests. You can arrange to see this by appointment, Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm at South Lakeland House, Kendal.

To arrange an appointment, please contact Committee Services.

Registration forms for councillors

Register of Dispensations

In some circumstances, a councillor or co-optee is allowed to take part in council business even if they have a financial interest in it. These are set out in our Register of Dispensations from Section 31(4) of the Localism Act 2011.

Councillors' register of dispensations

Standards and Governance Committee

The role of the committee is to monitor and assist us to promote and maintain high standards of conduct and to advise members, co-opted members and parish councillors about the operation of the codes of conduct.

The codes of conduct seek to ensure that councillors are open, fair and transparent in the conduct of their official duties. That councillors respect others in the conduct of their public lives and ensure that any decision making on behalf of their council is properly carried out.

The committee is made up of seven councillors, four reserve members and the two independent people (in a non-voting capacity).

The main functions of the committee are to:

  • promote and maintain high standards of conduct by councillors and co-opted members
  • assist councillors and co opted members to observe the codes of conduct
  • monitor the operation of the codes of conduct

Arrangements for Dealing with Code of Conduct Complaints Against Members (PDF , 266KB)

Standards and Governance Committee Agenda, Reports and Minutes

Independent Persons

Under the provisions of the Localism Act 2011, the Council is required to appoint an Independent Person to assist the Council in promoting high standards of conduct amongst Elected Members and Parish and Town Councillors.

The Independent Person will be consulted by the Monitoring Officer/Standards Committee on a decision to investigate an allegation of a breach of the Code of Conduct by a Councillor and prior to a decision being made on an investigated complaint.  In addition, the Independent Person can be contacted by the Member of the Authority against whom an allegation has been made.

Westmorland and Furness Council has appointed Ms M Boundy, Mr P Kuit, and Mr T Mullarkey as Independent Persons.

Ms M Boundy

Ms Boundy (Michelle) has worked as a financial ombudsman for the last ten years, making legally binding decisions on a wide range of complaints by individuals and small organisations against financial companies. 

These include unaffordable and irresponsible lending, problems with goods and services bought with credit, and the mis-selling of payment protection insurance, packaged bank accounts and car finance. Michelle is also a trained mediator and resolves complaints informally where appropriate.

Prior to this, Michelle spent eight years working in local government in policy, program management and organisational development roles. At LB Hammersmith she managed the Council’s Local Public Service Board, a strategic partnership group chaired by the Leader. She reported to the Council’s Executive team on transformation programmes and projects, and provided direct support for those to department managers.

Michelle began her career as a geophysicist in the energy industry and holds an M.Sc. in Natural Sciences.

Michelle has considerable regulatory and business management experience having set up and run two community credit unions: one as a volunteer Board Director, the other as CEO. 

She is passionate about building stronger communities and is a member of the Management Committee of a community benefit society working to bring her local shop and post office into community ownership. She also volunteers with the North West Ambulance Service as a Community First Responder.

Michelle is pleased to take up her appointment as an Independent Person and feels it is an important community role that requires an experienced independent decision-maker. 

Mr P Kuit

Prior to his appointment as Independent Person for Westmorland and Furness Council, Mr Kuit (Peter) fulfilled the same role for Barrow Borough Council, both appointments following open advertisement and interview by elected members.

His application reflects a continuing interest in helping to achieve strong local government and follows a long, varied and successful career in public service. Qualifying initially as a Town Planner Peter was active at all levels within planning culminating as Director of Development for Preston City Council.

He also pursued roles related to corporate / multi-disciplinary management, the restructuring of local government, as well as, economic development and regeneration in both the North West and North East regions.

The sheer breadth of his experience means that he has contributed to the resolution of problems across a very wide range of complex and sensitive situations, including many related to senior elected members. This includes a number investigations into allegations of misconduct at a senior level and close working with leading consultants and government departments.

Since retiring Peter has carried out voluntary work, for example, as a Business Mentor for the NWDA (2009/11); as a non-executive Director and Chair of Enterprise Answers (2010/15) : a local bank which makes preferential loans to Cumbrian businesses ; as an Independent Non-Executive Board Member and Vice Chair of South Lakes Housing (2011/19).

He is currently a NHS Lay Representative for North Cumbria and North East England and is particularly involved in helping to validate the training of doctors.

Throughout his working and voluntary life Peter has been engaged in high level communication and the development of sound policies and procedures. He believes the still new Westmorland and Furness Council should incorporate the highest possible standards and sees his role as Independent Person as an important opportunity to contribute to this process.

Mr T Mullarkey MBE

Mr Mullarkey (Tom) started his career in the British Army and served in Germany, Canada and India as well as operational tours in Northern Ireland and in Rwanda in 1994-5, where, as a Lieutenant Colonel, he conceived and led the humanitarian response following the genocide, for which he was awarded the military MBE.

Following a City appointment with SBC Warburg, Tom was appointed general manager of the Manchester Commonwealth Games, a major project over the next five years.  Tom then went on to be CEO of the National Security Inspectorate (2002-6), CEO of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (2006-17) and CEO of the British Chiropractic Association (2019-2022), before retiring.  These appointments were interspersed with periods as an interim director, a consultant and as Visiting Fellow in Leadership and Governance at Manchester Business School as well as appointments as charity trustee and non-executive director..

Tom is a volunteer with Greystoke Swimming pool, a volunteer driver for the Fellrunner Village Bus service and a boat volunteer with the Lake District National Park Authority.

With a strong background in leadership and governance, Tom believes that our elected representatives should behave and be held to account, to meet exemplary standards of conduct and professionalism.  As Independent Person, he intends to ensure that the Council acts transparently and diligently, and at best possible speed, in its response to complaints about elected members. 

Make a complaint about a councillor

The Code of Conduct in set out in part four of the Council Constitution.

Anyone can report a breach of the Code of Conduct by a Councillor. The complaint must relate to a Westmorland and Furness Councillor or Town or Parish Councillor.

If you want to make a complaint about the conduct of an elected or co-opted member of Westmorland and Furness Council or a member of a town or parish council within our area, you should read and complete the below complaint form and submit it to:

Councillor complaint form (PDF , 269KB)

Complete the form carefully so that the Monitoring Officer has all the information they needed to process your complaint.

The Monitoring Officer will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five working days of receiving it, and will keep you informed of progress.

The Monitoring Officer can only deal with complaints about the alleged behaviour and conduct of a member. They will not deal with complaints about the council as a whole, or any of the council’s departments or matters not covered by the code of conduct.

Please refer to the Arrangements for Dealing with Code of Conduct Complaints against a Councillor document above for the full procedure

These complaints are dealt with by a separate process, you can make a complaint against the council.

Procedure for dealing with complaints against individual members

The Monitoring Officer will review every complaint received and, after consultation with the Independent Person and Chair of the Council’s Standards and Governance Committee, take a decision as to whether it merits formal investigation.

This decision will normally be taken within 10 working days of receipt of your complaint. Where the Monitoring Officer has taken a decision, they will inform you of their decision and the reasons for that decision.

In certain cases the Monitoring Officer may refer particular complaints to the Standards and Governance Committee where they feel that it would be inappropriate for them to take a decision on it, for example where the Monitoring Officer has previously advised the member on the matter or the complaint is particularly sensitive.

Where the Monitoring Officer requires additional information in order to come to a decision, they may come back to you for such information, and may request information from the member against whom your complaint is directed.

Where your complaint relates to a Parish Councillor, the Monitoring Officer may also inform the Parish Council of your complaint and seek the views of the Parish Clerk before deciding whether the complaint merits formal investigation.

In appropriate cases, the Monitoring Officer may seek to resolve the complaint informally, without the need for a formal investigation. Such informal resolution may involve the member accepting that their conduct was unacceptable and offering an apology, or other remedial action by the authority.

Where the member or the authority make a reasonable offer of local resolution, but you are not willing to accept that offer, the Monitoring Officer will take account of this in deciding whether the complaint merits formal investigation.

If your complaint identifies criminal conduct or breach of other regulation by any person, the Monitoring Officer has the power to call in the Police and other regulatory agencies.

What happens next

If the Monitoring Officer decides that a complaint merits formal investigation, they will appoint an Investigating Officer, who may be another senior officer of the authority, an officer of another authority or an external investigator. The Investigating Officer will decide whether they need to meet or speak to you to understand the nature of your complaint, so that you can explain your understanding of events, suggest what documents the Investigating Officer needs to see, and who the Investigating Officer needs to interview.

The Investigating Officer would normally write to the member against whom you have complained and provide them with a copy of your complaint, and ask the member to provide their explanation of events, and to identify what documents they need to see and who they need to interview. In exceptional cases, where it is appropriate to keep your identity confidential or disclosure of details of the complaint to the member might prejudice the investigation, the Monitoring Officer can delete your name and address from the papers given to the member, or delay notifying the member until the investigation has progressed sufficiently.

At the end of their investigation, the Investigating Officer will produce a draft report and will send copies of that draft report, in confidence, to you and to the member concerned, to give you both an opportunity to identify any matter in that draft report which you disagree with or which you consider requires more consideration. Having received and taken account of any comments which you may make on the draft report, the Investigating Officer will send their final report to the Monitoring Officer.

Local resolution

The Monitoring Officer may consider that the matter can reasonably be resolved without the need for a hearing.

In such a case, they will consult with the Independent Person and with you as complainant and seek to agree what you consider to be a fair resolution which also helps to ensure higher standards of conduct for the future.

Such resolution may include the member accepting that their conduct was unacceptable and offering an apology, and/or other remedial action by the authority. If the member complies with the suggested resolution, the Monitoring Officer will report the matter to the Standards and Governance Committee and the Parish Council for information, but will take no further action.

However, if you tell the Monitoring Officer that any suggested resolution would not be adequate, the Monitoring Officer will refer the matter for a local hearing.

Hearing Sub-Committee

Where a complaint is referred by the Monitoring Officer, the Hearing Sub-Committee will meet to consider the Investigating Officer’s report to determine whether the Subject Member has failed to comply with the Code of Conduct and, if so, whether to impose a sanction on the Subject Member.

The Hearing Sub-Committee shall have delegated authority to hear and determine investigations under the Member Code of Conduct.

A Hearing Sub-Committee comprising the Chair of the Standards and Governance Committee and 3 further Members drawn from the Membership of the Standards and Governance Committee (1 from the largest group, 2 from opposition groups) together with an Independent Person as observer be established.

The Chair shall be appointed from those Members attending the Hearing Sub-Committee

Sanctions available to the Standards and Governance Committee

The Localism Act 2011 does not provide for any statutory sanctions if a Member is found in breach of the Code of Conduct. Therefore, the potential sanctions are limited and include the following:


  • Publication of its findings in respect of the Subject Member’s conduct;
  • Send a formal letter to the Subject Member;
  • Report its findings to the Council;
  • Censure by Motion;
  • Recommend to the Subject Member’s group leader (or in the case of un-grouped councillors, recommend to Full Council) that they be removed from any or all committees or sub-committees of the Council;
  • Recommend to the Subject Member’s group leader that the Subject Member be removed from positions of responsibility;
  • Recommend the Monitoring Officer arrange training for the Subject Member;
  • Recommend to Full Council that the subject Member be removed from all outside appointments to which they have been appointed or nominated by the Council;
  • Recommend to Council that it withdraws facilities provided to the Subject Member by the authority for a specified period, such as a computer, website and/or email and internet access;
  • Recommend to Council that it excludes the Subject Member from the authority’s offices or other premises for a specified period, with the exception of meeting rooms as necessary for attending council, committee and sub-committee meetings and/or restricts contact with officers to named officers;
  • Recommend to the Subject Member’s Group Leader (or in the case on an ungrouped Subject Member(s), recommend to Full Council or Committees) that he/she be removed from any or all committees or sub-committees of the Council; or
  • Recommend to the Leader of the Council that the Subject Member be removed from the Executive or removed from portfolio responsibilities


There is no right of appeal for you as complainant or for the member against a decision of the Monitoring Officer or of the Hearings Panel If you feel that the authority has failed to deal with your complaint properly, you may make a complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman.