
Under the Licensing Act 2003, businesses, organisations and individuals who want to sell alcohol need a licence. You’ll also need a licence to provide entertainment or late-night refreshment. Licensable activities include:

  • supplying or selling alcoholic drinks
  • providing entertainment for an audience including playing live or recorded music, performing a play or showing a film
  • selling hot food or drink at any time between 11pm to 5am

You can read the Licensing Act 2003 on legislation.gov.uk. It includes details of the types of venues and activities that need a licence and the offences that are committed if you do not have the proper authorisation. 

Find out more about alcohol licensing on GOV.UK
Find out more about entertainment licensing on GOV.UK

You must apply to us for a licence if the licensable activities are happening in our area. Licences usually cover the premises where the activities take place, but if alcohol is sold you’ll also need a personal licence (unless it’s at a members’ club). If the licensable activities are only occasional, you may want to apply for a temporary event notice instead.

We’re required by law to maintain a register with details of the licences we issue. You can see this register online or contact us using the details at the end of this guide to arrange to view the register in person.