Upper Key Stage 2 titles
Topic: WW1, Power of Reading Text
Title: Stay where you are and then Leave
Author: Boyne, J
Topic: WW1
Title: Listen to the Moon
Author: Morpurgo, M
Topic: WW1, Power of Reading Text
Title: Silver Donkey
Author: Hartne, S
Topic: WW1
Title: War Horse
Author: Morpurgo, M
Topic: WW2, holocaust
Title: Once
Author: Gleitzman, M.
Topic: WW2, family
Title: Leers from the Lighthouse
Author: Carroll, E
Topic: WW2, modern classic
Title: Carrie’s War
Author: Bawden, N
Topic: Diaries, autobiography, WW2
Title: Diary of Anne Frank
Topic: WW2, modern classic, Power of Reading Text
Title: Goodnight Mr Tom.
Author: Magorian, M
Topic: WW2, Lake District
Title: After the War from Auschwitz to Ambleside
Author: Palmer, T
Topic: WW1, WW2
Title: Eagle in the Snow
Author: Morpurgo, M
Topic: WW2, holocaust, Power of Reading Text
Title: Rose Blanche
Author: McEwan, Ian
Topic: Stone Age, fantasy, Power of Reading Text
Title: Wolf Brother
Author: Paver, M
Topic: Stone Age, modern classic, adventure
Title: S2g of the Dump
Author: King, C
Topic: Stone Age, time travel
Title: Wild Way Home
Author: Kirtley, Sophie
Topic: Vikings/Adventure
Title: Viking Boy
Author: Bradman, T
Topic: Vikings, fantasy
Title: How to Train Your Dragon
Author: Cowell, C
Topic: Vikings, mystery
Title: Riddle of the Runes
Author: Ramirez, J
Topic: Vikings, adventure
Title: The Saga of Erik the Viking
Author: Jones, T
Topic: Roman Britain
Title: Revolt Against the Romans
Author: Bradman, T
Topic: Roman Britain, humour, animal stories
Title: Julius Zebra. Bundle with the Britons.
Author: Northfield, G.
Topic: Tudors, Power of Reading Text
Title: Treason
Author: Doherty, B
Topic: Tudors, adventure
Title: The Queen’s Fool
Author: Sherrick, Ally
Topic: Tudors
Title: My Friend Walter
Author: Morpurgo, M
Topic: Anglo-Saxons, myths and legends
Title: Beowulf
Author: Morpurgo, M
Topic: Anglo Saxons, adventure
Title: Anglo-Saxon Boy
Author: Bradman, T
Topic: Ancient Egypt, myths and legends, comic strip format
Title: Tales of Gods and Pharaohs
Author: Williams, M
Topic: Ancient Egypt, humour
Title: Entangled with the Egyptians
Author: Northfield, G
Topic: Ancient Egypt, Mystery
Title: Secrets of the Sun King
Author: Carroll, E
Topic: Ancient Egypt, adventure
Title: The Phoenix Code
Author: Moss, H
Topic: Adventure, Ancient China
Title: The Firework-Maker’s Daughter
Author: Pullman, P
Topic: Adventure, myths and legends, humour
Title: Who let the Gods out?
Author: Evans, M
Topic: Adventure, myths and legends
Title: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
Author: Riordan, R
Topic: Ancient Greeks, myths and legends, Power of Reading Text
Title: The Adventures of Odysseus
Author: Lupton, H
Topic: Ancient Greeks, myths and legends
Title: King Midas and Other Greek Myths.
Author: Kimmell, E.
Topic: Victorians
Title: The Steam Whistle Theatre Company.
Author: French, V.
Topic: Victorians, classic
Title: Oliver Twist and other great Dickens stories
Author: Williams, M
Topic: Victorians, Power of Reading Text
Title: Street Child
Author: Doherty, B
Topic: Biography, adventure, Antarctica, Power of Reading Text
Title: Ice Trap!
Author: Hooper, M.
Topic: Biography, adventure, Antarctica, Power of Reading Text
Title: Shackleton’s Journey
Author: Grill, W
Topic: Titanic, animal, adventure, Edwardian
Title: Call of the Titanic.
Author: Galvin, L
Topic: Animals, Modern classic, Power of Reading Text
Title: The Midnight Fox
Author: Byars, B
Topic: Mountains, adventure, China
Title: King of the Cloud Forests
Author: Morpurgo, M
Topic: Animal, Dystopia Fantasy, Power of Reading Text
Title: The Last Wild
Author: Torday, P.
Topic: Animal, classic
Title: The Jungle Book
Author: Kipling, R
Topic: Rainforests, conservation, animals
Title: Running Wild
Author: Morpurgo, M
Topic: Animal, classic
Title: Wind in the Willows
Author: Grahame, K
Topic: Animal, Power of Reading Text
Title: Pax
Author: Pennypacker, S.
Topic: Fantasy, animal, Power of Reading Text
Title: Varjak Paw
Author: Said, SF
Topic: Fantasy, imaginary worlds, modern classic
Title: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Author: Lewis, C.S
Topic: Fantasy, Power of Reading Text
Title: Clockwork
Author: Pullman, P
Topic: Imaginary Worlds
Title: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Author: Dahl, R
Topic: Imaginary Worlds
Title: The BFG
Author: Dahl, R
Topic: Fantasy, Power of Reading Text
Title: Skellig
Author: Almond, D
Topic: Fantasy, Power of Reading Text
Title: The Viewer
Author: Tan, S. (illustrator)
Topic: Fantasy, Power of Reading Text
Title: Mouse Bird Snake Wolf.
Author: Almond, D
Topic: Fantasy, Power of Reading Text
Title: The Song from Somewhere Else.
Author: Harrold, A.F
Topic: Imaginary worlds, adventure
Title: Family Sputnik’s Guide to Life on Earth
Author: Boyce, F.C
Topic: Fantasy, adventure, polar region
Title: Polar Bear Explorers’ Club
Author: Bell, A.
Topic: Adventure, science
Title: Darwins Dragons
Author: Galvin, L
Topic: Adventure, survival
Title: Kensuke’s Kingdom
Author: Morpurgo, M
Topic: Adventure, pirates, classic
Title: Treasure Island (abridged)
Author: Stevenson, R. L.
Topic: Adventure
Title: Runaway Robot
Author: Boyce, F.C
Topic: Adventure, Power of Reading Text
Title: Rooftoppers
Author: Rundell, K
Topic: Adventure, Power of Reading Text
Title: Floodland
Author: Sedgwick, M
Topic: Environment
Title: The Last Bear
Author: Gold, H
Topic: Adventure, mystery
Title: Holes
Author: Sachar, L
Topic: Adventure, rainforests
Title: The Explorer
Author: Rundell, K
Topic: Adventure, rainforests, Power of Reading Text
Title: Journey to the River Sea
Author: Ibbotson, I.
Topic: Space travel, humour, Power of Reading Text
Title: Cosmic
Author: Boyce, F.C
Topic: Adventure, Power of Reading Text
Title: Alex Rider: Stormbreaker
Author: Horowitz, A
Topic: Adventure, Lake District
Title: Spylark
Author: Rurlandar, D
Topic: Africa, family, aspirations
Title: The Fastest Boy in the World
Author: Laird, E
Topic: Adventure, Power of Reading Text
Title: London Eye Mystery
Author: Dowd, S
Topic: Modern classic, ghost story, timeslip, graphic format, Power of Reading Text
Title: Tom’s Midnight
Topic: Empathy, refugees, Personal, Social and Health Education (PHSE), Power of Reading Text
Title: Boy at the Back of the Class
Author: Rauf, O. Q
Topic: Emigration, immigration, refugees
Title: A Story Like the Wind
Author: Lewis, G
Topic: Empathy, dystopian fiction, fantasy, adventure
Title: Boy In the Tower
Author: Ho-Yen, P
Topic: Homelessness, Power of Reading Text
Title: Way Home.
Author: Hathorn, L
Topic: Mystery, family, mental health
Title: The Goldfish Boy
Author: Thompson, L
Topic: Family, adventure
Title: Danny Champion of the World
Author: Dahl, R
Topic: Bullying, School stories, Power of Reading Text
Title: Wonder
Author: Palacio, P.J
Topic: Fairy tale, Power of Reading Text
Title: The Princess Blankets
Author: Duffy, C. A
Topic: Narrative poem, classic, Power of Reading Text
Title: The Highwayman
Author: Noyes, Alfred
Topic: Bullying, Power of Reading Text
Title: The Savage
Author: Almond, D
Topic: School stories, Power of Reading Text
Title: There’s a Boy in the Girls Bathroom
Author: Sachar, L
Topic: Shakespeare, Comic Strip
Title: Mr William Shakespeare’s Plays
Author: Williams, M
Topic: Shakespeare, graphic novel
Title: Macbeth
Topic: Shakespeare
Title: Macbeth—abridged text version