Christmas and New Year
Find out how your bin collection days and our opening hours are different over Christmas and New Year.
Class sets comprise of 20 books and can be borrowed as part of your topic, literacy and artefact box entitlement.
Topic: Animal, Africa
Title: Postcards Meerkat Mail
Author: Grave, E.
Topic: Magical stories, fantasy, Power of Reading Text
Title: The Magic Finger
Author: Dahl, R.
Topic: Magical stories, holidays
Title: The Sandman and the Turtles
Author: Morpurgo. M.
Topic: Stone Age, picture book
Title: Stone Age Boy
Author: Kitamura, S
Topic: Ancient Egypt
Title: The Magic and the Mummy
Author: Deary, T
Topic: Ancient Egypt
Title: The Egypt and Cinderella
Author: Climo, S
Topic: Romans
Title: A Roman Banquet
Author: Morgan, H
Topic: Ancient Egypt
Title: The Gold in the Grave
Author: Deary, T
Topic: Anglo Saxons
Title: The King Who Threw Away His Throne.
Author: Deary, T
Topic: Caribbean, multi-cultural, Power of Reading Text
Title: Gregory Cool
Author: Binch, C
Topic: Animal, humour
Title: Ask Oscar
Author: Macdonald, A
Topic: Animal
Title: The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark.
Author: Thomlinson, J.
Topic: Animal, mystery, adventure
Title: Scout and the Sausage Thief
Author: Lewis, G
Topic: Animal, Power of Reading Text
Title: Hodgeheg
Author: King-Smith, D
Topic: Animal, imagination, Power of Reading Text
Title: Gorilla
Author: Browne, A
Topic: Animal, winter, friendship, Power of Reading Text
Title: Rabbit’s Bad Habits
Author: Gough, J
Topic: Humour, adventure
Title: Invisible Stanley
Author: Brown, J
Topic: Africa, multicultural, Power of Reading Text
Title: Village that Vanished.
Author: Grifalconi, A.
Topic: Africa, animal
Title: Butterfly Lion
Author: Morpurgo, M
Topic: Animal, modern classic, Power of Reading Text
Title: Charlotte's Web
Author: White, E.B