The program aims to provide a fun and engaging experiences for free for eligible children and young people during the summer break while ensuring they have access to nutritious meals.
Over 750 children and young people from across Cumbria will be descending on the Sheepmount Athletics Stadium and Sands Centre in Carlisle to attend the 2023 Cumbria School Games.
Members of the public are being warned NOT to pick up or touch dead birds after the number of confirmed cases of Avian Influenza (otherwise known as Bird Flu) in wild birds rises in Cumbria.
More than 20 business leaders from Penrith and the surrounding area met together as part of a joint initiative between Westmorland and Furness Council’s Economic Development and Regeneration Team and Cumbria Chamber of Commerce.
In an effort to make its horticultural practices more environmentally sustainable, Westmorland & Furness Council is moving away from the traditional planting of summer annuals, to a more sustainable perennial planting regime.
Westmorland & Furness Council’s Cabinet has given its unanimous backing to the Penrith Business Improvement District (BID), as local businesses take part in a ballot to secure a proposed third 5-year term for the organisation.