Bird scarer
We'll take action if the NFU code of practice for the use of bird scarers is not complied with. The main points of the code of practice are:
- place the scarer as far away from residential properties as possible
- align the scarer to point away from neighbours
- use reflective or absorbent baffles (for example, straw bales) to concentrate the sound onto the field and away from neighbouring properties
- avoid using auditory scarers within 200m of sensitive buildings before 7am (or 6am if sunrise is earlier)
- take note of the prevailing wind when siting scarers
- do not fire auditory scarers more than four times in any hour
- never use auditory scarers before sunrise or after sunset
- try not to use auditory scarers on a Sunday
To report a noise nuisance from bird scarers, contact us using the details at the start of this guide.